The idea of the internet allowing identities to coalesce that are not tethered to a territory deserves its own long piece, I think. What are nations in the face of supranational identity groups? Where do we go from here?

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Read John Robb substack for more on the internet identities.

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Another interesting take, thank you. Could you comment on Tablet's article (by Jacob Siegel, I think) that Israel should NOT rely on direct support from the American government?

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I haven't read the article yet. I'm skeptical of what refusing direct support would accomplish at this juncture. Israel has built up an IT/cybersecurity industry which has given it a comparative advantage relative to the overregulated U.S. and Europe (Peter Thiel wrote that this was their strategy in 2008) but also intertwined its economy and security apparatus with those regions. Israel doesn't seem to have the stomach to operate as a rogue state. The majority of American Jews also seem emotionally invested in the direct relationship.

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Emotional investment ...

... Most young people who attend say a Rave are emotionally invested. Why I was young once myself. Emotions are simply not something to base trust on.

The problem with being allied with America is DC’s only real coin is betrayal. America via DC has betrayed Israel, ostensibly for Iran. My own experience is it’s sort of a mania. They must betray, it’s a requirement to really be on the Team. Why we betray our own military, our borders, our very children are sent to school to run a gauntlet of perils.

Thank you for the Thiel reference, on Israeli “strategy”, I shall have to look that up. There’s lessons there I’m sure.

Israel would be better breaking relations, or at least getting rid of our agent Bibi (of course he is).

He’ll not see it though.

He can’t.

To be fair-Not even Themistocles at his peak cunning would attempt this trick, and never was there such cunning in all history as his Diplomacy at Salamis.

Israel breaks it off or dies.

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I see it more like ghosting than conscious betrayal. Always chasing that next hit.

An America better conscious of its real standing in the world*, such as it had prior to TR, might make for a better ally since it would be forced to be more cognizant of the value of long-standing alliances, and her need for them.

* - hitting the wall, as it were, and so ready to settle down

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Thanks for reply.

I politely disagree.

Diem in Vietnam for instance was a very conscious betrayal and his execution at the order of the American Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge. The South Vietnamese generals doing our bidding were going to let him live.

We can go on and on...

Let’s fast forward to the betrayal and murder of Khadaffi.

Our own border.

The abandonment of so many of the Afghans who trusted us.

Fighting to the last Ukrainian (which indeed we are).

The destruction of Europe’s economy so we can deny them rapprochement with Russia.

At present we had our Secretary of State Blinken dictate the terms of the Gaza reprisal to Israel, whom we are betraying to gain a probability illusory alliance with Iran.

Shortly we’ll force Taiwan into a war they don’t want, to complete the break with China (and gain the Chip trade back from Taiwan).

Betrayal is DC’s only coin.

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Welp, they really are telling me this for the first time.


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Damn I wanna borrow that Bush Time Machine.

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🎷🎶🎵 ...you had plenty content in ‘22 , now you sit around feeling blue... why don’t you do write... like other stacks do... 🎷🎵🎶get out here and post some content too...🎷🎻🎺🥁🎵🎵

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(letter to Tablet Mag)

Golems of the Copybook Margins

The American Interest: We America need to stop the pattern of betrayal, of our own above all and our unfortunate allies.

All we need to do with Israel is not betray them and let them handle their business. The cycle of betrayal must end sometime. Now is fine.

Your interest: get this off the screens - change the subject…. they only react to what’s on the screen.

Then frankly face who created the Social Justice Golems and opened the borders to our new neighbors? Who is Columbia University?

It’s not the Baptists.

It’s not the Catholics.

It’s not the Mexicans either.

The next problem by the way is your Golems of the Copybook Margins may be the Ushers of the Dark Gods of the Copybook Headings returning…

And there’s nothing to be done but ride it out.

And fade into obscurity, frankly. You blew it. Doesn’t mean you should be vilified or harmed. You should be told.

Fade away. Not die, just get off the screen.

And stay away from whatever is slouching but picking up speed towards the American Jerusalem, because its hour is here.

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Ultimately America has no need of Empire beyond our shores, nor as the inescapable Federation the ability to centralize enough to maintain one. Every American large scale arrangement from the Iroquois to the Internet has been a Federation, including our present arrangement.

While we are guarded by oceans, tundra-arctic and mountains-desert-jungle to the south- we are also then bound by geography. We cannot escape, but we have no real need to expand.

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“traditionalist Catholics are another group with their own supranational allegiances and goals)” .

We are?

What are they?

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The Pope and non-American Catholics

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We don’t have those loyalties for some time Sir.

There’s nothing there...

The Managerialist Dioceses often have business interests, albeit legally NGO, in for instance filling the pews and more importantly bank accounts being in the migrant business, as do other mainstream churches.

It’s money. Not Catholicism.

Sort of the actual Templars who were also into the human trade, but in the selling out of America instead of defending with the sword, ⚔️ swords and violence being too much an ordeal for civility... but really that’s just following the rules of America’s ruling class.

Catholicism in America to the extent it exists is only in monasteries now (I have family there) and that is all... given facts this is for the best. The actual Catholics went Benedictine in the 20th century. As opposed to shall we say TAC catholics.

Not our first Dark Age rodeo.


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